Two Fundamental Principles

Two fundamental principles guided the elaboration of the Charter for Regions:
Our territory offers a diversity of realities that enrich Quebec. From this diversity stems a variety of needs. The government of Quebec tends to take uniform action throughout the entire territory, but that isn’t equitable for all. Uniformity is not fairness. We need to aspire to a genuine equality of opportunity.
Equity means modulating government interventions to respond to the specificities of our regions. Equity means less wall-to-wall approaches and more made-to measure.
The government that is the closest to the people is the one who best positioned to decide what is best for them. Unfortunately, the trend of centralizing decision-making in Quebec City under the pretext of economies of scale is still too common. Faced with dealing with interventions that are poorly adapted to their realities, our regions are paying the price of centralization. We need more policies made for and by the regions. Not everything can or should be decided upon in Quebec City. We need to have faith in our regions as well as in our regional authorities and local governments. Quebec City does not have a monopoly on democracy and it is by trusting our local governments that we will achieve the best results for all Quebecers.
Given its importance, our leader will be responsible for its application once she is elected Premier.