A Message from Dominique

I am proud to present you with the fruit of an extensive process stemming from vast consultations aimed at placing the regions at the heart of decision-making when it comes to their own development. At the Quebec Liberal Party, we want to build on each of our region’s potential in a sustainable and inclusive manner, particularly in this context which is often referred to as post-pandemic recovery.
This document represents the culmination of meticulous work which began when I launched my leadership bid. It proffers two central principles: equity among regions and decentralization. In other words, less wall to wall, more made to measure.
Before going any further, I would like to thank the 1,400 participants who, over the course of 20 nonpartisan regional consultations, contributed to the development of this document which is intended as a roadmap. I would also like to thank the people I met during my regional tours who were a source of inspiration for this document. I’d also like to convey my particular thanks to the members who took part in developing its framework.
Our goal? Bringing together and uniting Quebecers around a common project: their own progress. Faced with the major challenges awaiting us in the coming years such as an aging population or workforce shortages, we at the Quebec Liberal Party are proposing a bold vision and solutions that are adapted to the diverse realities of each region.
Quebec is a vast territory that has always greatly benefited from its diversity. Its people, under the leadership of the likes of Jean Lesage and Robert Bourassa, have had the courage to showcase those differences.

We must rely on the strengths of each of our regions, starting with their inhabitants. We need to connect Quebecers and bank on their sense of solidarity. With respect to education or health, the fight against climate change, culture, immigration, tourism, natural resources or economic development, we will give the regions a voice.
We need to focus on the pride among those who inhabit those regions and help them to grow. I invite you to be a part of this major undertaking.
Quebec is made rich by those who live here and when each of our regions is able to reach its full potential, it’s Quebec as a whole that comes out ahead.
Dominique Anglade
Leader of the Quebec Liberal Party